has thoroughly examined Sabri Ülgener’s significant impact as a Turkish economics professor and social scientist. His unique background, coming from a family with diverse roots, including a Nakşibendi Sheikh and a respected military figure, shaped his perspective on economic and societal matters.
Sabri Ülgener’s journey into academia started at Istanbul Erkek Lisesi and continued at Istanbul Hukuk Mektebi. However, it was during his time in Germany in the 1930s that he was profoundly influenced by notable German scholars in the field of economics, including F. Neumark, Wilhelm Röpke, Gerhard Kessler, Alexander Rüstow, and Alfred İsaac.
Sabri Ülgener’s Academic Journey and Unique Perspectives
Upon his return to Turkey, Sabri Ülgener’s academic career blossomed as he became an assistant at the İktisat ve İçtimaiyat Enstitüsü, later known as the İktisat Fakültesi, where he eventually became a professor. What set Ülgener apart were his broad knowledge of both Western and Eastern traditions, his attempt to explain the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era through a conceptual transformation, and his emphasis on the role of cultural and spiritual elements in social transformation and economic development.
He delved into the concept of “economic mentality” and explored the need for a new development model based on Turkey’s own dynamics, often delving into the realm of ethics, mentality, and Islamic economic policies.
Sabri Ülgener’s Legacy: Exploring Turkey’s Economic Landscape Through Islamic Ethics
Sabri Ülgener’s works, such as “Zihniyet, Aydınlar ve İzmler” (Mentalities, Intellectuals, and Ideologies), “İktisadi Çözülmenin Ahlâk ve Zihniyet Dünyası” (The Ethical and Mental World of Economic Disintegration), “Darlık Buhranları ve İslâm İktisat Siyaseti” (Economic Crises and Islamic Economic Policy), and “Zihniyet ve Din” (Mentality and Religion), demonstrate his attempt to analyze and articulate Turkey’s economic and political circumstances through the lens of Islamic ethics and a critique of positivism and Western modernism.
Sabri Ülgener’s contribution to the field of economics and his deep engagement with ethical and cultural aspects of economic development have left a lasting impact on academic circles. His works remain highly relevant, inviting scholars and policymakers alike to explore the complex interplay between economic thought, culture, and societal transformation. His multifaceted approach to economic analysis and his profound understanding of the need for a unique development model have solidified his position as a distinguished economist and social thinker in Turkish academic history.