Herbert A. Simon was an American social scientist who made significant contributions to various fields, such as psychology, mathematics, statistics, operations research, computer science, economics and political science. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978 for his theory of bounded rationality and satisficing behaviour in decision making.
Simon also won the Turing Award in 1975 with his longtime collaborator Allen Newell for their pioneering work on artificial intelligence and human cognition. If you are interested in Herbert A. Simon’s life and works, keep reading this Zatrun.com article.
Who is Herbert A. Simon?
Herbert A. Simon was born on 15 June 1916 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to a German-Jewish engineer father and an American mother of European descent. He showed an early interest in science and mathematics, and graduated from the University of Chicago in 1936 with a degree in political science. He earned his PhD in political science from the same university in 1943, under the supervision of Henry Schultz.
Simon held various academic positions in political science, administration and psychology at different institutions, such as the University of California, Berkeley, the Illinois Institute of Technology and the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University). He joined the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1949 as a professor of administration and psychology, and later became the Richard King Mellon University Professor of Computer Science and Psychology there. He remained at Carnegie Mellon until his death in 2001.
Simon was married to Dorothea Pye from 1938 until her death in 2002. They had three children: Katherine, Peter and Barbara. Simon died of complications from pneumonia on 9 February 2001 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the age of 84.
Herbert A. Simon’s Major Works and Legacy
Herbert A. Simon was a prolific and influential American social scientist who made significant contributions to various fields, such as psychology, mathematics, statistics, operations research, economics, and computer science. Some of his major works include “Administrative Behaviour (1947)”, “Models of Man (1957)”, “The Sciences of the Artificial (1969)”, and “Models of Bounded Rationality (1982)”.
Simon’s legacy is immense and multifaceted, but also underappreciated and misunderstood. He is widely regarded as one of the founders of modern organizational theory, information systems, and behavioural economics. His ideas have influenced many disciplines and domains, such as management science, political science, sociology, philosophy of science, cognitive science, education, design, engineering, and public policy.
He was also a visionary thinker who foresaw the potential and challenges of computer technology, artificial intelligence, and human-computer interaction. He advocated for a scientific approach to problem solving that integrates empirical observation, logical analysis, and creative synthesis. Simon’s work remains relevant and inspiring for anyone who is interested in understanding and improving human and artificial intelligence.