Hans Hermann Hoppe 101: Successful Economist
Zatrun Published at July 24, 2023

In our article titled “Hans Hermann Hoppe 101: Who is the Successful Economist?” on, we will delve into everything you need to know in detail about the successful economist, Hans Hermann Hoppe, who our readers are curious about.

Hans Hermann Hoppe

Who is Hans Hermann Hoppe?

Hans Hermann Hoppe is a German-American academic, philosopher, and political theorist born on September 2, 1949. He is described as an anarcho-capitalist and Austrian School economist. Hoppe, who lives in Istanbul, is a Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and the founder and president of the Property and Freedom Society. He was born in Peine, West Germany and completed his undergraduate studies at the Universität des Saarlandes. He obtained his doctorate degree from the Goethe University Frankfurt.

He worked in an environment where German intellectuals like Jürgen Habermas gathered, but he eventually described European leftism as “intellectually barren and morally bankrupt” and rejected it. Hoppe’s most famous work is the book “Democracy: The God That Failed,” which reveals his opposition to democracy. Hoppe’s statements and ideas on race and homosexuality have often been the subject of debate among his libertarian peers and colleagues at UNLV.

Hoppe believes that property owners have the right to establish libertarian communities that may engage in racial discrimination and create exclusive criteria for admission and acceptance. He has also sparked controversy due to his support for the government’s implementation of immigration laws, which critics argue contradict libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism.

Academic Career:

Hans Hermann Hoppe worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Michigan from 1976 to 1978 and received his habilitation degree in Sociology and Foundations of Economics from the University of Frankfurt in 1981. He was a professor at the College of Business at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas from 1986 to 2008. Hoppe is an Elite Member of the Mises Institute and a publisher of most of his works. He has also served as an editor for various Mises Institute publications.

Hoppe identifies Murray Rothbard as his “teacher, mentor, and master.” After reading Rothbard’s books and transitioning to a Rothbardian political position, Hoppe moved from Germany to New York and followed Rothbard. According to Hoppe, he conversed with Rothbard as his “dearest father friend” from 1985 until Rothbard’s death in 1995. Hoppe lives in Istanbul with his wife, Gülçin Imre Hoppe, who is also an Austrian economist.

Hans Hermann Hoppe

The Property and Freedom Society (PFS):

In 2006, Hans Hermann Hoppe criticized the “socialist” approach of the Milton Friedman-style Mont Pelerin Society, which led to the formation of the Property and Freedom Society (PFS). However, Hoppe faced criticism for inviting speakers such as white nationalist Jared Taylor and neo-Nazi Richard B. Spencer to speak at PFS events. On the fifth anniversary of PFS, Hoppe expressed his goals as follows:

“On the one hand, positively, to explain and illuminate the legal, economic, cognitive, and cultural requirements and features of a free, stateless natural order.

On the other hand, negatively, to take off the mask of the State and to show what it really is: a gang of murderers, plunderers, and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners, propagandists, swindlers, liars, clowns, charlatans, dupes, and useful idiots – a institution that touches everything it comes in contact with and contaminates and stains it.”

Hans Hermann Hoppe and the Mises Institute:

The Mises Institute was founded in 1982 by Lew Rockwell, Burton Blumert, and Murray Rothbard with the goal of continuing and preserving the work of Austrian economists such as Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Murray Rothbard, and Ludwig von Mises. The institute aims to keep the Austrian School of economic thought alive, develop it, and make it accessible to wider audiences.

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